Custom Playmat Service

Note: We are only providing the service of creating custom playmats for you. Please note that all artwork ownership is still the creators, and reselling is prohibited. 

To order a custom playmat, please purchase a coupon from our webstore:

Once you have purchased it, you will be able to email your artwork to get it custom made onto a playmat. 

Please email your artwork to:
On the Title: Please include your order number.

Artwork specs:

Disclaimer: We really will require for you to follow this requirement for the Playmat, failing to do so and submitting a low res artwork, will result in pix-elated playmat, and we will not take any responsibility for it.

Schedule: Artwork will be printed twice a month (Mid Month / End of Month), so it should take around 15~25 working days for you to receive your playmat.